| | SmartJavaUI is an Open Source(GNU Lesser General
Public License) cool lightweight java library for user interface(UI). It can be
used in applet or application. It looks cool but has a very small size.It is
not javabean, but we supply a tool called UIMaker to
design/generate the UI for your java program. Also, you can manually edit
your source and use the library API to create cool
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The first release(0.1) of SmartJavaUI API have following SmartComponents: SmartComponent, Label3D, SuperLabel3D, SuperPanel, SuperButton and some utility classes(WindowUtility, GraphicUtility......)
 For new infomation. please subscribe the email list Any suggestion/bug report/enhancement, please mail to hainey@163.com
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| N E W S @_@2001.8.4 SuperChart Component added(UI Maker[71k]) @_@2001.7.28 Alpha Version 0.1 released
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